Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Andra Rashad Gray

My name is Andra Rashad Grey – aka – Dray Day. I was born in the U.S. and raised in Bermuda, California, and New York. I made lots of bad decisions the fast life, the street life. After 12 months of incarceration my mind was rejuvenated – not for the better but for the worse and here is when decision making can either make you change or break you. Later, with the faith of Jehovah God I am still here.

I am presently working as an Apprentice at the Greyston Bakery and one day at an employee meeting Miss Katherine Dukes came in with an offer, or better yet, with an opportunity I couldn’t refuse: a Weatherization Technician / Green Construction training course. I was a little skeptical about pursuing the training due to my past (which for me, still feels present), but with the spirit of Jehovah, the Bakery, and myself, I made it my business to be hungry. After being out of school for a decade the entrance test was a real challenge. Miss Dukes called to tell me that although I did well on the test, the 15 people who scored highest would get in and I scored 16th. My heart was shattered but with the discipline and understanding I stayed humble and told her thank you and that I appreciated the chance because in my head I understood that only means I have to work harder and my journey of doing right had just begun. The very next day I had a message on my phone saying that I was accepted to the program!

My experience is an opportunity and chance that many of us don’t get to better ourselves in our communities – more positiveness, more jobs. So for those who want to make a change in their lives, but don’t know how, follow my footsteps.


  1. I would really like to commend you on your journey of better yourself and rising to new heights in your life. I enjoyed reading your testimony and I pray that you will continue down the road to success. I think that your writing skills are still quite good even though you had stated that you have been out of school for decade it delighted me. I encourage you to continue educating yourself so that you will be marketable within society. The more skills and qualifications you have the better your opportunity of securing employment. Keep up the good work. Love Mother Teresa :)

  2. I am proud of you. We all fall down. Bu the measure of a man is how you get up. Continue to get up. Continue to stay humble. Continue to know who you are and whose you are. You are a child of God made in His image and as such wonderfully made.

    May God bless you and continue to use you as a walking testimony of His power to overcome.

    Your brother,

