All people need someone to believe in them...
and I believe in them. Nothing is impossible. It can all be done; you just have to believe that it can. Then you make a plan, pull up your boots, and get going.
My goal is to leave a legacy. I want my son to be able to say that his mom made a difference, and this program will be an important part of my legacy. I believe in every single person in this program. I can tell who has the hunger for it, and that’s why they are here. I knew some of these guys before – I’d see them hanging out while I was on my way to work. And now they are doing something phenomenal. I see pride in their eyes as they work in the classroom, and it’s really amazing to overhear them talking casually about square roots, and blueprints and HVAC systems.
It is my goal to restore the urban family to its rightful, successful, whole place. I understand the process because I came through it. I was in the welfare cycle; it was degrading and limiting. I had to answer to everybody and I was imprisoned in the system. All I needed was a chance, but it was frustrating because there are very few programs for people who just need a break, a break from oppressive poverty. It is hard to find a way out. The day my son was born I looked at him and realized that I could not go down to First Avenue and First Street with my baby in my arms asking for a handout. So I got a job, took three busses every day to get there, and stuck to it until I got a better chance. This many years later, look where I am!
I am doing my part. Everybody has to do their part. I know that once they graduate, they will do their part, too.